Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Joseph & Sarah: 7.7.07

July, 7, 2007: It was a popular day for weddings this year. For us, it did not constitute a day that broke a record for the number of weddings in one day, it revealed itself to be a day of blessings and great privilege to share in the beginning of Joseph and Sarah's life together. These two people, as individuals and as a couple, are full of life, joy, and an abundant love that can only come from their devotion to the Lord.

Joseph & Sarah managed to plan a wedding in California while living in the mid-west. With the help of their families, everything went perfectly.

Here are a few shots from their engagement shoot. We know Sarah from our church in Orange County and know she is an amazing woman. This was the first time we met Joseph and it felt like we had known him our whole life.

Sarah and Joseph share a bond that can only come from within. And they're really blessed to be beautiful people too! When you are around them, you feel like they really care about who you are. You can see the passion this gives them in their marriage as well as the people around them. If you haven't had the privilege of spending time with these two, you can see how they affect people based on their wedding party. They had 7 bridesmaids, 7 groomsmen, two ring bearers and two junior bridesmaids. It's only fitting for two people who love others more than themselves.

I can't say enough about how much Joseph and Sarah's hearts desire to love those around them. They have a passion for life that comes from a drive to serve and trust God. You can see that in the joy on their faces as they committed to spending their life together as husband and wife.

After their ceremony, we spent a few moments taking some portraits and had a blast. They are so comfortable and confident in who they are as people. Sarah looked stunning and radiant as a beautiful bride and Joseph looked ready to take on the world. He had a smile from ear to ear knowing his amazing fiance was now his wife. He is a man who truly desires to take care of his family.

We had the joy of spending some time with Joseph and Sarah a couple of weeks ago. It was so much fun to see how they're doing and continue developing the friendship we started. They were so welcoming and uninhibited in opening their home to us. It was great fun to relax and just spend quality time together. Not to mention, Sarah can cook a pretty mean we were well fed! We are thankful to know we gained a great gift from photographing their wedding, an amazing relationship with strong roots. Thank you both for allowing us to capture your wedding day and more importantly, for being two amazing people who offer so much to the people around them and ask for nothing in return. It's a rare gift.

Friday, October 5, 2007

a calm in the storm : Issue No. 4 "wandering in another time"

A couple weeks ago we had the privilege of attending our home church at Newport Mesa Church in Costa Mesa. The timing was nothing less than perfect when we found the topic of the sermon was "Wandering in Another Time." In other words, why worry, because when you do, you're working on borrowed time. The lead pastor, Scott Rachels, is a blessed man who has the gift of words and sharing what's been put on his heart. As we were listening to the age old conversation of "do not worry," it became more real when we heard the comparison of wandering in another time. When you become stressed about things that haven't happened, you're assuming that is what is in the future. You're living in the future thinking about situations you may never experience. When you worry, you're assuming that life will take one course, when all the while there is something in front of you looking to lead you in a completely different direction. You end up walking right past an incredible opportunity, gift or relationship that is staring right at you because you're too busy occupying your mind with something that may never come to pass. A crisis never happens in the future, it always happens in the present. So why worry about something that hasn't happened yet? This is easier said than done, spoken from a true worrier. As a perfectionist and someone who likes to know what's ahead, I tend to cross the fine line between being prepared and worrying about what's ahead. But I've learned, that it's not about what might happen, it's about what's happening. I'm all for taking the time to prepare to your best ability, but at some point you've done all you can and now it's time to let things take their course and respond as well as you can. But don't expend your energy in worrying about what can be...take your time and enjoy what's happening in front of you. If you're wedding planning, remember not to worry about what might go wrong, enjoy what's happening. If you're looking for a job, remember not to worry about whether a job will come or not, think about what you can do today to make a difference in your situation. If you're struggling financially, don't think about if you can make your mortgage or rent next month, be thankful that you were able to make it this month. If you couldn't make it this month, will your situation be cured by worrying about what might happen, or is your energy better spent in seeking a solution. Take time and indulge in the blessings you have. Having grown up in Orange County, every time we drive down the 55 South, we keep an eye out for the Orco sign displaying short quotes that are generally very applicable and profound. This month's was "Character is not created during crisis, it is only exhibited." So stop using your energy to worry about what might happen. If you're like me, it's a daily choice to choose growing your character in experiencing the now so that you'll be prepared for what becomes your present.