Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Blue Moons: A tribute to Kyle Brooks Simonson

We've so often referenced the Love for a Lifetime class held on the campus of Vanguard University taught by Glenn and Barbi Rouse. We've had the irreplaceable pleasure of meeting so many amazing couples through this incredible course. None have affected us as dramatically as Chelsea and Kyle. While we did not meet them on a more personal level outside of the class, they have influenced our lives heavily with the cards they have been dealt. I hope each person who has made it this far in the blog continues to read and gains the wisdom that Chelsea and Kyle's lives offer.

Kyle died in a traffic accident on June 8, 2008. He was 26 years old and was survived by his parents, grandparents, twin brother and sister in law, younger brother, fiancee Chelsea, and many more friends and loved ones. I can't help but think about Chelsea daily. Having lost a parent, I can understand the feeling of loss in your heart when someone you deeply care about is no longer physically in your life. I can't wrap my head around losing the person that is not only your soul mate, but your best friend. I am so inspired and humbled by Chelsea's ability to view life through a new set of lenses and take this journey head on. In her own words, "...it's an hour by hour process." Her dedication to moving forward is nothing less than miraculous. In her eulogy to Kyle she wrote something that struck a chord. "Once in a blue moon, people will surprise you… and once in a while, people may even take your breath away. Thank you for making my life a lifetime of blue moons. I will still love you forever & always."

The idea of a lifetime of blue moons is such a beautiful picture. A masterpiece Kyle made a reality in Chelsea's life. If we lived our life trying to create a lifetime of blue moons, imagine how different things would be. Chelsea and Kyle were given the gift of each other to give the world a glimpse of perfect love. For those who know Jesus, you know the definition of perfect love. To see it alive and well in a couple is inspiring for each of us to reconnect to the basics. Have you told the people around you how much they mean to you? Do you live each day like it's your last? Of course, there's the day to day that has to be handled, but do you give your everything each day and keep your eye on the big picture? Sometimes we each need a reminder to step back and smell the roses. Henry Ford said, " You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do." If you read about Kyle Simonson, you'll see an example of someone who built a reputation on what he did, not what he said he'd do. And once you start doing, people will trust what you say you're going to do. If we focus on doing the best we can to serve those around us, I am so confident our lives will change. When we work at serving others, we are rewarded in ways that monetary things can never achieve. Don't wait for something to happen to you to wake you up. Take example from Chelsea and Kyle where you actively live the life you desire, so when life takes an unexpected turn, you're ready to take it hour by hour.

I admire Chelsea's strength. I have always been convinced that God knows what we can handle. Bad things happen to amazing people. It's the nature of life. When we saw the life of an orphan who struggles with AIDS, lives in poverty in South Africa, lost both parents by 4 years old, I realized how much stronger that child, in its innocence, is than I am. God knows that child can make it through this challenge and He will be there every step of the way. Chelsea, you have been given a difficult path, but you are so much stronger than so many of us out there. Your life has impacted so many people. While this does not change the hurt or the immense difficulty of your path, it has caused mine to change and hopefully many others.

Kyle, thank you for blessing more people than you can ever imagine. At the end of the day, we should all think about what we did and what purpose it had. While you can't change what happened yesterday, you can always change direction tomorrow. We watched the movie "The Brave One" the other day and there was a quote that said, "There are many ways to die, the hard part is knowing how to live." No one said this was going to be easy, but that doesn't mean it can't be done with joy. You'll never know what your capable of if you don't try.

When you start your day, remember to tell the ones you love how much they mean to you. Remember to help someone in need. Remember to pay attention to the people around you. Sometimes all someone needs is a smile. Don't take anything for granted because we're only in this journey for a short time. Carpe diem...you can't change the past, and you can't force the future, so seize the day, today.

Chelsea, thank you for changing my world with who you and Kyle are. I hope I can exhibit half the strength you do. I am reminded every day not to take the simplest pleasures for granted.

Thank you for reading.

If you'd like to read more about Chelsea and Kyle's journey, visit their website at: www.mywedding.com/chelseakyle


Blogger Lenore said...

Thank you for this tribute to our son, Kyle, and his beautiful fiancee Chelsea. Kyle was truly a wonderful person and Chelsea is every bit as wonderful.

Joe and Lenore Simonson

July 20, 2009 3:16 PM  

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